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Reframing the church

How God works through us to re-imagine the church during crisis

Devotional Thoughts | May-June 2020 |

Rev. Larron D. Jackson, DMin


“And I tell you that you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it" (Matt. 16:18, NIV).

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”
(Acts 1:8, NIV).


The coronavirus pandemic has had a shattering worldwide effect on all humanity living on the planet earth.  Every aspect of life throughout the entire world has been impacted by the devastating effect of this deadly disease on the human race.  No nation, nor institution has been exempt from this deadly and debilitating virus.

So what is the challenge set before people of faith as we are called to live into our faith in the face of this daunting disease?  For those who have declared their faith in Jesus Christ our charge is clear, keep setting our course to live into our faith in Jesus Christ!!  Yes, we are living in trying times!  But those who are a part of the Body of Christ are called to stand firm and look to Jesus Christ in times like these.


Christ has given Believers, His Church, two promises for times like these.  One, the gates of hell will not over shadow His Church, (Matt. 16:18) and His promise to “make real His presence” in the life of Believers as we need Him as we go about the business of advancing His kingdom, (Matt. 28:19-20).  As Believers, The Church of Jesus Christ, we can be absolutely certain that God the Father and God the Son know the current season in which we find ourselves.  As the song writer declared, “earth has no sorrow that that heaven cannot heal”.  For all who are a part of The Body of Christ, we can live with the divine assurance that God will speak in our lives continually as we set our course to His word, way and will as made real through Jesus Christ (Jn. 14:15-26; and, Jn. 16:715).

So, how does “The Church Reframe Herself In A Season of Crisis”?


Let’s see what the word of God says about this matter.


  • We need to always understand that “The crisis will never overrule Jesus Christ”.  As Believers in Jesus Christ we need to always remember this fact above all else.  Christ has “all power in His hands”. (Matt.28:18)


  • We need to always remember that “The Church” is the visible Body of Christ on earth”.  And, wherever we are as Believers, we are “The Church”.  (Rom.12:5; Eph. 1:17-23; and, Col. 1:22-29)


  • As we go forward in Christ and crisis, we are to seek guidance through God’s word and The Holy Spirit!! (Ps. 119:105; Prov. 3:5-6;and Jn. 16:13) 


  • God will never be without a “witness”, even during seasons of crisis.  As Churches were confronted with road blocks and limitations while seeking to advance the cause and kingdom of Jesus during our current crisis, God has continued to open up streams of technology through various means that the Gospel could go forth unhindered.  God’s word declares that “God will never be without a witness”.  To God be the glory!!! (Acts 14:17; Acts 15:8-11; Acts 22:12-15; and Heb. 10:14-16)


  • “Going Forward and Trusting God”, that is the call of the Church, even in a season of crisis.  The call of the Church, those who have “cast their lot” with Jesus Christ, is to go forward in the face of all trials and tribulations.  The call to go forward means, to keep advancing the cause and kingdom of Jesus Christ over against whatever trials of life and faith that present themselves to hinder the cause of Christ.  Going forward in Christ never sounds the horn of retreat.   Going forward and trusting God means that you dare to trust God as “Your Sovereign Source of Strength against anything and anyone who would seek to hinder the cause and kingdom of Jesus Christ”.  (Jn. 15:1-10; and Eph. 3:20-21)


Encountering the trials of life and faith are a continual part of advancing the cause and kingdom of Jesus Christ.  Buildings and other entities may yet be closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, “The Church of Jesus Christ” is always open to all who desire to enter.


Prayer: Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we seek Your face and Your strength against this coronavirus pandemic throughout the earth.  Father God, we ask and pray that You would send Your wisdom and strength to those on earth that are Your chosen vessels that You are using and will use to stop this virus among humanity.  Father God, we commit this matter into Your Sovereign hands.  In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.  Amen.

Rev. Larron D. Jackson, DMin

Ministry and Mission Coach
Denver, Colorado

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