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The Rocky Mountain American Baptist

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Staff Transitions and Additions ...

ABCRM remains focused on our core mission of Empowered Churches and relies heavily upon our staff to fulfill that mission. We are proud of our staff and thankful for the care that our Board gives to them.

At the May meeting of our ABCRM Executive Committee, I shared with the Board Rev. Dr. Larron Jackson’s intent to retire at the end of September. Larron has faithfully served us as our Ministry and Mission Coach for the Denver Cluster since 2012 and has filled our hearts with his boisterous laugh and well-timed encouragements (Somebody ought to say Amen!).

Larron has said that he has a number of projects that he wants to do in the years to come and despite his love of the churches needs to reclaim time for these.  Stay tuned for plans to honor him and bid him a proper “Thank you.”

At our Winter Board meeting, I requested that the Board approve and fund for a minimum of three years a full-time staff position for a Minister to Future Leaders.  This position will be responsible for identifying, recruiting and helping leaders who might serve the future church to find training.


The Board approved this proposal, but because of the shutdown, we delayed our search until we had a clearer picture of the future. One of the key things about this position is that as we see the church change, we will have to adapt our strategies to serve those whom God calls, be they young folks who will serve 10 years down the road, or a lay leader who might step into the pulpit without training and get OJT , or even identifying leaders from other tribes who might find ABC a better fit.

After reviewing a number of applications and conducting interviews with the most qualified, I am pleased to announce that Ms. Lauren Parliament was offered and accepted the position beginning July 1.  Lauren has been serving as a Seminary Intern for the past couple of years and many of you already know her.  She will be pursuing ordination through her home church in Sioux Falls, SD and in addition to other duties will take on the responsibilities for coordinating Front Range Camping, allowing Mike to focus more on his passion of helping churches discover Mission and Ministry in their context.

Finally, when the Executive Committee approved making Anti-Racism an ongoing effort,  it was suggested that we find and appoint a Team Leader for this effort sooner rather than later.  We plan to make staff ministry positions into more global positions: serving all of our churches in specific areas of ministry rather than being generalists in ministry to a single cluster.  Our goal is to employ a team approach on all areas of focus, and to designate team leaders for key areas.

I am pleased to announce that Rev. Rodney Perry has agreed to come alongside us on a part-time basis to fill this position.  Assuming all goes well, Rev. Perry will also pick up facilitating the Denver Cluster once Rev. Jackson completes his service.


Rev. Perry also served as an intern with the region a few years back prior to becoming pastor of Central Baptist Church.  Now that he has his feet under him at Central, he and his leadership believe that he is able to come alongside in this critical focus area.

I am excited by the team we have put together to serve you and trust that you are and will be just as excited as you get to know our ministry team better in the days to come. 


Rev. Dr. Larron D. Jackson has announced his retirement for the end of September. He embarks upon his 42nd year of ministry.

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Lauren Parliament is a recent graduate of Denver Seminary, and as of July 1, the new Minister to Future Leaders. She has been working with the region as an Intern, and has a fond interest in the outdoors, youth programs, and in building a sense of community among others. Click here to read more.


Rev. Rodney Perry is the pastor of Central Baptist Church in Denver. As a proven leader, Perry will be leading a team effort to address racism and to facilitate communications among all of our churches. He also will be helping to serve as the Ministry and Missions Coach for the Denver Cluster after Rev. Jackson's retirement.

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