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Winter Trekking
Celebrating A Legacy of Blcak Pastors in the Rocky Mountain Region.png

Dr. Wendell Theodore Liggins

Zion Baptist Church (1941-1991)

*Dr. Murphy Cleophus Williams

New Hope Baptist Church (1951-1978)

*Dr. Oscar William Mays Sr.

Central Baptist Church (1956-1989)    

Dr. Milton E. Proby

St. John Baptist Church (1958-2005)

*Dr. John Morris

Macedonia Baptist Church (1969-1988)

*Dr. M. E. Ford

Emmanuel M. B. Church (1971-1991)

Rev. L. W. Harvey

Trinity Baptist Church (1961-1993)

Dr. Sandy Lyons

Mt. Carmel Baptist Church

Dr. DeMasters M. Survine

Peaceful Rest Baptist Church (1987-1999)

Rev. H. B. Barfield

Greater St. John Baptist Church

Dr. P. H. Gholston

Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church

Dr. A. L. Bowman

Union Baptist Church

Rev. Jim Dotson

Trinity Baptist Church (1998-2017)

Dr. F. L. Chandler

Bethlehem Baptist Church                                   


Dr. F. L. Chandler

Bethlehem Baptist Church                                        

Dr. James H. McMearn

New Jerusalem Baptist Church (1972-2012)

Dr. Fred Hopson Jr.

St. Stephen M. B. Church (1967-1991)

* Rev. Alvin Gay

King Baptist Church

* Dr. Jules E. Smith

Rising Star Baptist Church (1986-2022)

 *Dr. Paul Martin

Macedonia Baptist Church (1990-2007)

 *Dr. James Daniel Peters

New Hope Baptist Church (1978-2006)

*Dr. Acen Lee Phillips

Mt. Gilead Baptist Church (1959-1999)

*Dr. William Golson Jr

True Light Baptist Church (1988-

*Dr. Joseph L. Griffin

Macedonia Baptist Church (1954-1968)

*Dr. Earnest Lewis

Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church

*Dr. Willie C. Jones

Shiloh Baptist Church (1966-2024)


(*Denotes American Baptist Churches of the Rocky Mountains Pastors)

ABCRM, and the Rocky Mountain Region we serve, has a rich legacy of Black Baptist Pastors. Here is a list highlighting impactful Pastors who served in this region and left a lasting Legacy for the Baptist community.

Black History Month.png

Empowered Churches

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Winter Trekking

ABCRM exists to encourage and support the local church as it seeks to Be Christ in their community and the world.

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