The Resting Place of Steadfast Faith
“Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!” (Ps. 27:14) (NKJV)

Where do you turn when you find yourself in the depths of despair? From whom or what do you gather strength when all seems lost? David, king of Israel, was in such a place when he wrote Psalm 27. David wrote Psalm 27 during a time that, (1.) famine ceased the nation of Israel; (2.) the Philistines were ready to invade Israel; and, (3.) Absalom, his beloved son, was trying to kill him and cease the throne of Israel. Trying times indeed!!
In the midst of one of David’s darkest hours, he openly declared that God was his “Light”, “Salvation” and “Strength”. Throughout Psalm 27, in spite of the trials of life and faith before him, David declares his unswerving confidence and faith in God. In verse 13, David declares that he would have given up on life in the face of the hardships he encountered, except he knew that the God he served would never leave him nor forsake him. And even more, no trial that he encountered was greater than God!!
In verse 14, David arrives at “the resting place of his steadfast faith.” When David says, “Wait on the Lord”, he is saying even at our darkest hour God is still God and we can trust God to do what is needful in our lives. David offers Believers words of comfort, “Be of good cheer” and God will “make real” His power and presence in our lives as we have need. David’s words may yet serve Believers well as we live into our faith in God in the world today. (Amen.)
Prayer: Lord God, help us to live with unswerving confidence in You as we live into our faith in the world today. In Jesus name we pray. (Amen.)

Rev. Larron D. Jackson, DMin
Ministry and Mission Coach
Denver Cluster