A Bountiful Harvest
Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ. Col. 4:2-3 (ESV)

First things first, the harvest... are you experiencing the harvest of good in your life? Harvest time can take place throughout the Summer, yet much of our Summer’s work is realized in the Fall harvest. Many of you know that I like to garden, to get my hands dirty. Did you know that I have a space in the community garden at First Baptist? Yes, I began by working the ground in May and planted seeds on Memorial Day back in the Spring. I planted radishes, yellow squash, zucchinis, cantaloupe, and watermelon’s. I water by gravity flow the plants instead of using the irrigation pumping system. I have spent many hours cultivating the soil, watering the plants and it has paid off. Much of the garden produce comes into the church to be given away. Some goes to the deer, they particularly like the yellow squash. But they also tasted the first watermelon.
How is your harvest? Oh, the garden is one thing, yet we are to be at work in the world to bring people into the kingdom of God. The harvest is (STILL) plentiful, but the workers are few. Yet, I thank God for the (INCREASE OF) workers!
How is your soul? What are the habits that help you to grow? Have you neglected your spirit? Is your passion for living the victorious life in Christ grown cold? God’s plan is to bring us life, the abundant life (John 10:10). I am convinced that hurry, busyness, and noise are from the enemies’ camp. Our souls need rest, reflection, and to be reset. How? Through intentional times of prayer, bible reading, fellowship, and stepping out of the routine with the Lord. We sing, “O, How He loves me,” yet how often in the ordinary day do we actually receive and share His love with Him? At times, we need to “stop doing” and just be with Jesus. We have a chapel prayer time each Sunday before Sunday school in Delta. This is a time to pray for the church that will be gathering that day. Maybe as we bump into one another at the mall, the coffee shop, the discount or grocery store we should plan an impromptu prayer meeting. This would bring the practice of loving one another into our daily rhythm of life together.
Fall is a great time to start a new habit. Want to get involved in a ministry? There are plenty of volunteer opportunities. Need the accountability of a group for fellowship or bible study? Maybe God wants you to start something new? Step into the Spirit and see how God works through you. Don’t look at this as adding another “to do” to your life. Instead, redeem your day with an outbreak of thanksgiving.
This is a great time of year for harvest, for self-evaluation, and for new beginnings. Take advantage of the season. You will not be disappointed with the results!
Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to discover your plan each day and to walk aware of your Spirit’s leading and presence. Amen

James Conley, Pastor
First Baptist Church
Delta, CO