Living From the Inside Out
Living from the inside out is living out "who we are and what we believe." How we live inward is to find rest. Resting in the Lord means to be energized by Him and to be propelled forward into what He has for each of our lives. In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus declares to come to Him with our burdens and we will find rest in Him.
“Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
What is rest? Rest is not laying around the house and binge-watching our favorite shows on Netflix, and it isn't staying at home all day to read your Bible, and to cherish His rest alone. Yes, resting in God is taking time to spend with Him, but if all we're doing is spending time with God and not pursuing others, we are not allowing His rest to propel us forward.
Resting in Him allows us to have bigger dreams than we can imagine. Rest in God gives us the wisdom, strength, and actions to do His will.
If you had a whole day to take time for rest, what would it look like? Where would you go? What would you do?
My ideal day would include people and being in God’s creation. I would love to go on a hike with a friend and enjoy the time together. I love hiking, but more importantly, I do my best reflecting and thinking while on the trail. This is where I feel God’s presence the most! Also, if it is nice out taking our hammocks and finding a good place to rest for some time would make the day even better! Getting to lookout over God’s creation while reflecting, reading, and writing. This is where I find rest! The destination on our hike is not the important piece, but it is to be present with one another and the Lord. This rest rejuvenates me to be with others, to live for God, and to love others well! This propels me forward into God’s calling over my life.
Living the Christian life has never been God’s dream for us. His hope is for us to rest in "who He is" and "what" He has done for us. This rest should propel us forward! Stepping forward and trading our cause for His cause.
There is work to be done in this life. Each of us has works and callings that God has ordained for us to do and to be a part of. If we are not resting in Him, how can we have the energy, the wisdom, and the words to propel us forward. Living from a heart of rest is what can propel us into God’s works and calling for our lives.
Living in rest is trusting in God and in His love and guidance for us. We are all called to find rest in Him, and that rest should propel each of us to move forward in being a disciple. We are not to live the Christian life alone, we are to rest in the Lord. This rest should transform us from the inside out. Living in this rest is living from the inside out. So, my question for you is: Where do you find rest? And, how does that rest propel you forward?
Lord, help us to find rest! Teach our bodies to rest in Your presence. As we rest in You, we ask that you fill us with your joy, love, and peace in order to propel us forward in to action. We ask that your perfect wisdom would guide us to the right decisions and to where you want us to be for that moment. We ask that you would help us to have confidence to live in your rest to gain strength, wisdom, and love to share with those around us! Amen.
Lauren Parliament
Future Leader Minister
American Baptist Churches of the Rocky Mountains