The Talebearer's Gift
Eph 4:32 (NIV) Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Anger and hatred filled their minds as they ripped the colorful ornate coat from their brother’s shoulders. Oblivious of his screams, they shoved him down a well. God’s word tells us they hated him. After that, they sat and planned his death.
The sons of Jacob had great struggles. Their younger brother Joseph was a braggart and a dreamer. How dare he say they were bowing down to him in a dream with sheaves of grain?
Resentment burned, escalating when Jacob gave Joseph that brightly colored coat. He was dad’s favorite! That talebearer had already given a bad report of them to their father. While discussing his demise, his older brother Reuben intervened and instead of killing him, the brothers sold him into slavery.
They fabricated a story about a wild animal, dipped Joseph’s coat in goat’s blood and presented their father with the news. But what they didn’t expect was that their father would never stop grieving. His grief was long and hard for the son of Rachel, the woman he loved.
Fast forward this story. Joseph excelled everywhere he was placed while suffering hardship and even wrongly imprisoned. Do you feel this way at times? Not that you are physically imprisoned but perhaps chained to thoughts of the past? Have spoken or implied words stirred up anger and resentment in you?
As Joseph grew older he understood that while the brothers’ actions were evil, the Lord used those very acts to bring about good. As a result, Egypt and surrounding areas were spared during a severe famine by his careful plan of storing grain for the future.
His first-born son’s name was Manasseh which meant, “For God has made me forget all my toil and all my father’s house.” But guess what? While he wanted to forget – those ten hungry brothers journeyed to Egypt. He recognized them immediately but they did not know him. Instead of revenge, a series of events began that left the brothers confused. After a time, Joseph revealed himself with love and compassion.
He saved his family from starving. He gifted them from the riches of Egypt.
Joseph was reunited with his aging father and later in attendance at his father’s death.
Joseph’s tears flowed freely while gently kissing the beloved face and closing his father’s eyes.
Thought for the day: Are there relationships in your life that need mending?
Precious Heavenly Father restore relationships among families, friends, and even in our churches. Where there is discord, bring peace. Where there is resentment, bring love. Take anger and cast it far away. For only You alone Lord have the power to change hearts.
LaRose Karr
ABW Colorado, President
FBC, Sterling